Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Why I Like Running

I know yesterday I said I hate running and for the most part I do for all the reasons I listed yesterday. There were actually two more reasons that I forgot to put. My face turns red. RED. It also swells up around my nose and eyes. What the hell is that all about? I feel like I look like a muppet. I'm vain, so yes, that bothers me. A lot.

But. . .

There are reasons I like (love) running.

1. My calves have never looked better. I have big calves and I've always hated how stocky I look since I'm short. This running has made them quite a bit leaner and it looks amazing.
2. I suffer from some serious edema in my feet and ankles. Hello cankles! Seriously, running has helped so much. No more cankles unless it's very hot and humid or if I've been sitting too long.
3. My skin looks amazing (after the redness and swelling go down). On days I run I can skip foundation. Ooh, a healthy glow. It could be from the running or because I have to drink more water. Who cares? I'll take it!
4. I get to wear snazzy sneakers. Dumb, I know but I love, love, love my bright pink Reeboks. I thought I'd be a Nike girl because, let's face it, Nikes are cool, but they don't fit my feet. Reeboks are so cozy.
5. I like the "me time" to get lost in my thoughts and my music. It gives me time to plan my day. Lots of daydreaming. . . I've spent millions in imaginary lottery winnings.
6. It makes me feel good later. I like the sense of accomplishment. I don't care if my times suck or I don't hit however many miles I'm going for. I like the feeling of knowing I went out there and did my best.

Monday, August 19, 2013

I HATE RUNNING! (and blogging, apparently)

Look. I tried to like running. I really did. It's so hard and I don't like it at all.
It gives me a headache. It makes me have to poop. It hurts my toes. And it makes me feel like an uncoordinated idiot.
But. . . That doesn't mean I'm going to stop. I promised a 5K by October. I really want to dress up in a cutie costume and do the Boo Run. Do they still have that? Then I'll stop. But, yeah, probably not.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Food Baby

I know that fast food is a joke. I mean, it's gross and unhealthy, right? Today was a very long, very cold day so we decided to have fast food for dinner. Rose wanted KFC so away we went.

The service was surprisingly awesome and the food was amazingly good. But I ate too much and now I'm having a food baby. That's what it's called when your tummy is poking out from having too much food in it. This is what I look like right now (except for my boobies).

We even have the same hairstyle!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Don't try to juice a banana

Now that I have Netflix in the bedroom again, I've been watching documentaries at night. The other night I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. It was a terrific documentary. If it doesn't inspire you to run out and buy a juicer and heaps of kale, then there is something wrong with you. I did run out and buy a juicer.

This one here.

I've learned a few things:
1. Parsley doesn't juice very well in it. I had whole sprigs of parsley in the pulp thingie.
2. You can't juice a banana.
3. Most greens smell like burning something when juiced.
4. I heard you poop a lot but that's not the case for me.
5. I'm burping greens like there's no tomorrow. Gross.
6. It's quite the production. It takes at least 30 minutes to prep the foods, make a cup of juice, and clean the beast.
7. The produce costs around a million dollars.

In the movie, the two guys went on a juice fast for 60 days and really turned their health around. A woman did the juice fast for 10 and felt great. Yeah, I'm not doing that. I'm just having a cup of juice in the mornings. This morning was turnip greens, spinach, parsley (maybe one drop from 3 handfuls), carrot, cucumber, lemon, and apple. I guesss some people would think it's nasty but it's surprisingly tasty.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pleeeeease release meee, let me go. . .

I applied for a transfer to a different department at work. I currently work in the busiest department and am very good at what I do. That, my friends, is the reason I will not be allowed to transfer. They don't want me leaving my area because I'm too gosh-dang good there. The other reason, of course, is that the store manager hates me. This isn't just me thinking she hates me. I mean, don't most of us feel that our boss hates us sometimes? This is real. She actually told the other supervisors and one of them let the cat out of the bag. Oh well. I still really, really like my job.


While I am very good at my current job, I would also be very, very good at the job I am applying for. It also has way better hours. And less customer contact. Sorry customers, you know I love you, but frankly, some of you drive me nuts.

Really want this transfer. . .

Friday, February 15, 2013

I look awesome!

Yep. I look awesome. I am officially down to a single digit pant size! I haven't been this thin in 13 years. It feels great. Now that I'm at the size I want, time to tone up what I have. Of course that means exercise, which is yuck, so maybe I'll just be a flubby size 9. I've had to buy new work pants and new jeans. I know. Shopping is such a big hardship, right?

Monday, February 4, 2013

I Love (Hate) Pinterest

Things I hate about Pinterest:

1. Calling food "crack."
2. Saying that everything is "GENIUS!"
3. Stupid baby names: Bexley? What??
4. "Pin now. Read later." Um, excuse me? I can read it now if I want. Why are you telling me what to do? Or maybe you just don't want me to look now because you're leading me to a malicious site. . . or, or PORN! Yeah, I'm going to read now, pin later (but only if I want to).
5. Overexplaining (Is that even a word?) in the description. Yes we can see that is a pink shirt. You don't have to write "PINK SHIRT" in the description.

I spend a lot, and I mean A LOT, of time on Pinterest. I've found tons of awesome stuff. I do love it even though I spend most of the time muttering about idiots and stupid people.